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In this era of social selling, small and big brands must recognize the potential of social media.

Depending on your industry, you can pick two or three social media channels to build a brand and generate qualified leads.

However, any social media manager can agree that operating more than one social media channel is an uphill task. For instance, uploading posts across these platforms, obtaining actionable insights, and engaging requires different formatting and mindset.

 Using social media tools like Rival IQ, your social media managing team can quickly scale conversation using practical insights from the uploaded posts.

This will give them a competitive edge against the competition. Also, it empowers your team with insights to create quality social media content and build meaningful relationships with audiences online.

In this article, we discuss some social platform tools your team should give a try if they haven’t yet.

How do you decide which social media tools to use?

The subscription cost of any social analytics tool may be top of the list when deciding which solution your team will use. There are other factors to consider before settling on one solution:

What goals does your social media team want to achieve?

 To perform tasks like scheduling posts across different channels, tools like HootSuite, and Buffer work best.

Enterprise-level brands that want insights from social media sentiments for tone and brand voice, tools like Netbasequide Enterprise would be the best recommendation.

Does the social platform tool have a steep learning curve?

A steep learning curve for any tool is quite discouraging. And since your social media management teams already have a lot on their plates, choose a solution that offers simple-to-understand resources.

In case, the learning curve on tool usage is steep, consider those solutions that offer 24/7 support and an easy onboarding experience.

Some useful social media solutions to try now

Content creation: Unsplash

This is where the heavy lifting happens. Most social media experts will admit content creation is hard. For example, when creating text-based content, you may encounter writer’s block.

However, using free tools like Unsplash, you gain access to millions of professional photos. To support photographers producing these pieces, you can donate to their work.

Furthermore, other social media tools to power your social media branding in other formats include:

Animoto for video

ChatGPT for text

And more

Content curation: Google Trends

Google trend is a free tool owned by Google. The solution uses data from the Google search engine to deliver current trends across industries.

You just need to type in the keyword, and filter by industry, year, and location to access the latest on the internet.

Social media managers can use this tool to get content ideas for the company’s social media channels.

Additionally, you can plot trends against the competition by adding related keywords, With these features, you can easily curate content for social that stands out from the competition.

Social media analytics; Rival IQ

The new cliche; data is the new oil has never been true. However, what you do with the data is where real growth happens.

Social media analytics tools like Rival IQ are designed to help you make sense of social media posts; comments, likes, shares, views, and more.

The solution offers capabilities for social media teams to cross-check social posts’ performance against others. Also, you can easily do competitor analysis without the need to be a data nerd.

Other solutions RIvial IQ by Netbasequid social media analytic tool enables you do include:

Social media listening

Network analytics

SEO tracking

Industry benchmarking

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